
Episode#15: It’s NOT supposed to be easy … but it can be simple.

So many times our teams look to us to articulate clearly the future vision of the company or the project. It’s up to us to detail it for them. We have to show them where we’re going, what it looks like, what it feels like, what it smells like, even what it tastes like...

Taking Action #18: Time to #ManUp

With recent public events on my mind, I’ve been paying a little more attention (and asking questions) of my female teammates, colleagues, and other entrepreneurs, leaders and difference-makers and have been stunned to hear their stories of having to “work harder” to be heard than their male colleagues.

TA# 23: The X Org Chart

Ever wonder how there are some small teams that just get it done time and time again? They are tight and nothing comes through the cracks in their communication, organization, service, or delivery? How do they do it?

TA# 25: Create (Several) No Cell Phone Zones

 As leaders we discuss holding space for our team. We all recognize that we need to give them time and space to succeed, for their mindset. How clear are you, as a leader, however, that you too need time and space? Former Paper Napkin Wisdom guest and Big Data Expert...

TA 33: To Scale, We Need to Care About Others More Than Ourselves

To scale a business, we need to care about others more than we care about ourselves. The challenge is that we need to care about strangers (e.g. customers, suppliers, vendors, partners, bankers, even employees) - people you don't really know. As entrepreneurs and...

Take Action #12: ATTN: Rebels, Rule-Breakers, and Renegades!!

If you're a Rebel, Rule-Breaker and Renegade this is for you ... If you're the kind of person that likes to follow along with all the rules (especially from other people) and loves doing JUST what their told this won't make sense. As an entrepreneur we like to color...

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