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Lead This Way

Sometimes we find ourselves looking around the room, or outside of the room, for the person who has the right attributes, or resume, or skill set to solve a problem. It's time we look for the right effort instead.

And get out of the way  

Leaders, stop being in the way. For so many years I felt that I had to hover over my teams at times of crisis, at times when we had big deliverables. I felt that they needed me to do things. I was wrong, they needed me at those times to lead. Sometimes we got to where we needed to, and other times we fell way short. I'd always have reasons (excuses) for this, but usually I'd consider that if I had this skill set, or if my team had a different set of attributes, things would be different. I was wrong. Culture eats strategy for breakfast. We didn't have a culture back then of getting stuff done. Adam Robinson wrote about it when he said hire great people then get out of their way. Instead, at this time, we can become the heart, the cheerleader for the organization and for them. We can then support and celebrate as they pour their efforts into their work and truly scale impact and accomplishment. Today, enforce effort - build a culture that get stuff done. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin

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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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