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A Fine Excuse

Indeed it is a fine excuse.  Though the Paper Napkin Community is a global one with only about half of the audience being from the United States, I thought that the US Thanksgiving Holiday was a fine excuse for me to to give thanks and express my gratitude to all of you who have been sharing this journey with me. I feel grateful firstly for those that have come on Paper Napkin Wisdom and shared with me their stories of Drive, Impact, Approach and Leadership.  In all cases you have shown that you are difference-makers.  You have all made a difference in my life with the lessons you have taught me so far and the lessons I continue to learn from the experiences that you choose to share with me. Secondly, I feel grateful to all of you who have listened to the podcast, read the blogs and reached out to me either via email, Facebook, Twitter or the old fashioned telephone. Thank you - I love hearing your stories and hearing the impact that some of these messages are making in your life. Thirdly, I want to thank Warren Rustand, my mentor, who planted the seed so many years ago in my mind for what has become Paper Napkin Wisdom.  He will appear on Paper Napkin Wisdom soon - but in a slightly different way.  As he was the inspiring force, I have something "different" planned for his Paper Napkins. Warren also inspired me to spend 30 minutes a day intentionally organizing my mind for greatness.  I would love to have said to you all that I followed his lesson every day since I learned it four years ago, but I have not.  I can say, however, the the times that I have followed it have been far more successful and rewarding in every aspect of my life than the times that I have not.  He also inspired me and spurred me on early in our relationship by saying to me, "you've got so much to give, you had better start now."  That was my call to serve and I heard it loudly and clearly. Finally, I am grateful for the patience, love, indulgence and support of my wife, three children, all my parents, my brother and his family and all my many dear dear friends. I am also grateful for the support of my teams at my companies. You have all supported me as I go through my own leadership and entrepreneurial journey openly and completely. Upon returning from a trip, I once told my wife a story of how I felt that I had been of impact in helping someone on a personal and business challenge that they were facing. It was clear that the story moved her.  When I noticed her reaction I wondered out loud if the impact I could have was the reason that she supported my long hours, time away from home, and tolerated all the stress that came with it.  She looked at me lovingly and said, "No, I support you because it makes you happy." She is so wise and so gracious; she's really an incredible leader and difference-maker in my world. So today, on this day which has afforded us a fine excuse to be grateful, please accept my wish for your happiness. PS --- The Paper Napkin Wisdom Podcast will return tomorrow ... PPS --- Happy Thanksgiving to all of my US based friends and family!! Book Govindh for your next speaking event here.


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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