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Influencing People And Becoming "Happily" Incompatible With Others - Allie Mooney

Allie Mooney is an award winning and energetic speaker, an author, and an expert at helping organizations and leaders better understand their people. Allie works to help her clients identify the personalities of their employees and teaches them how to harness the special capabilities and strengths of those personalities. Identifying the personalities comes naturally to her now, but it was something she had to learn. In her Paper Napkin Wisdom, Allie talks about how she learned to push the right buttons and embrace being “happily” incompatible with others.

Understanding personalities Breakdowns in relationships happen when we can’t understand the personalities around us, says Allie. There are four main personality types: Playful, Powerful, Peaceful, and Precise. Each type has its own strengths and needs, both in terms of communication and in terms of emotional fulfillment. The biggest failure, says Allie, is to fail to read the people around us. You have to know the patterns, because once you do, the personalities will reveal themselves and you can adapt the way you approach that personality to insure that you’re communication in a way they understand and re-filling their emotional tank when needed. Spending time with entrepreneurs, Allie has found that one of the biggest problems is that entrepreneurs sometimes move so fast that they leave team members behind. As entrepreneurs, we’re often so busy that it’s easy to forget our team members may not communicate or have the same needs we do; we often just want to go out there and get it done, but it’s important that we recognize the different personalities in our teams and try to communicate in a way that ensures we’re not leaving anyone behind. Every different personality type has different emotional needs and we need to keep this in mind when we are trying to celebrate success or give our teams criticism. A great leader is one who asks themselves how they can communicate according to someone else’s worldview.

"A great leader is one who asks themselves how they can communicate according to someone else's worldview." When we understand and respect the world view of our team members, we give ourselves the opportunity to play on each person’s strengths, make sure we’re understood, and create a team that consistently operates at a high performance level. Strong teamwork is essential for a business to succeed, we can’t do it alone. In taking the small amount of time to understand the perspectives we work with, we enable ourselves to create strong teams with members who feel appreciated; there is truly undeniable value in that. Ask yourself: Which of the four personality types do I most resemble at work? Which seem the most reminiscent of my different team members? Through this conversation, Allie shares how shifting her perspective to become aware of and work with the personalities of those around her has had a huge impact on both her personal and professional life. What kind of impact might it have on yours? Listen to my conversation with Allie  here:


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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