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Is Your Business Your Message? - Jill Lublin (Speaker, Author)

Jill Lublin is a public relations specialist, international speaker, best-selling author, and self-described “messenger of messengers” passionate about helping others to create a footprint in the marketplace. Unsurprisingly, she has created a considerable footprint for herself through seminars, books, and countless appearances in print and broadcast media. Jill’s thought-provoking Paper Napkin Wisdom speaks to the heart of her philosophy about publicity: “Start with a message about why your business is your message. And, if you were starting your business on a paper napkin, what would be the cause and reason for your business?” For Jill, the reality of any business is that people are influenced by the message – the cause and reason. We must still deliver a great product but our message is what attracts others to us. People want to buy into the passionate messenger. Jill gives the example of a dentist who worked three blocks down the road from a competitor. While he tried to create a warm environment in his office, the other dentist had a “get-‘em-in, get-‘em-out” mentality. About that, the dentist once commented, “I know why certain people come to me and certain people come to him.” The two men conveyed very different messages and people chose to patronize the one with the message that resonated with them. However, having a message is only part of the equation. It is another thing to get our message out there. Jill emphasizes “five-year-old language”. Tell people what problem you solve in the marketplace the way you would explain it to a five-year-old. She believes that we often have no more than thirty seconds to convey our message and that does not mean we should try to cram as much information as possible into that time. It means that we need to simplify. Says Jill, “If you can communicate your message in a clear, concise, and simple way, people respond better, resonate quicker, and frankly, you get more prospects and more profit.” And if you have streamlined message, do not fear repeating it. It may seem boring but there is no telling who might be hearing it for the first time. “You’re repetitive to yourself but your listener, your prospect, your customer – they haven’t even gotten it yet,” Jill reminds us. Furthermore, she says, repetition has the benefit of keeping us on-track. Jill believes that the key to having a footprint in the marketplace is publicity and publicity starts the moment you walk out the door. Our business is our message – there is no separation – and we must be its passionate messenger. Go to for a free offer and listen to the conversation with Jill here:


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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