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It's Really An Incredible Story - Rob Simons

Updated: 3 days ago

Rob Simons is the Founder and CEO of Toolbox Studios, an award winning digital and communications company based in San Antonio.  No surprise that he's made it his life to help entrepreneurs and leaders do more - and he shares that passion with us in his Paper Napkin Wisdom.

He talks about how he developed a love for story telling and how he's helped others tell theirs.  For him, it's not just about the story telling though - it's about listening to other people tell theirs and learning from their experiences.

I know that I learn best from stories - especially those stories told by entrepreneurs, leaders and difference-makers.  People I consider to be my peers.

Rob shares why he thinks sharing those stories is important and how the mere telling of the story can be impactful.

Listen to the podcast on or on iTunes. Click below to play the conversation with Rob via the embedded player.


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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