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Make it Epic! - Jeffrey Feldberg (Chairman and Success Builder of The Magnum Opus Group)

Jeffrey Feldberg is a serial entrepreneur with a simple yet inspirational goal: he wants to be someone’s miracle. This goal is more than just personal, it’s one Jeff employs in his business ventures. He believes that balancing your business and personal life is impossible; instead, he operates from a single life perspective in which he constantly strives to give back to those around him. As he says in his Paper Napkin Wisdom, “Be a deliverer of happiness in all you do”. Delivering happiness is the cornerstone of Jeff’s life. He believes that when you go out and give something authentic of yourself, it makes you happier and that causes an internal shift which makes you better. Helping people, he says, helps you as much as it helps them. It leads you to wherever it is you want to go because it transforms your way of thinking, and that causes you to up your game in all areas of your life. Like his fellow Paper Napkin Alumni, Jeff doesn’t suggest that delivering happiness is easy or about consistently being happy, he speaks of it as a conscious choice of perspective. Difficult times, he says, are the tuition for getting to where you want to be. It’s the journey that makes us who we are, so you should embrace the ‘grinning and bearing it’ because that is what is going to lead you to where you need to be: Diamonds aren’t made without pressure. Throughout the conversation, Jeff talks about how he tries to make every day an epic one. Every morning, Jeff goes through a checklist style routine. He wakes up and spends the first five minutes of every morning reading something that puts him in a state of gratitude. When you’re in a state of gratitude, he says, it’s easier to be open to things you might not otherwise be open to. He then asks himself how he can be someone’s miracle and what can he do with his day. He writes out a list of three or five things he’d like to focus on for the day and with that, he’s on his way. Jeff says that his routine is how he protects himself from himself. Left to his own devices, he’s a procrastinator, but using these tools he shapes his direction and remains mindful of what his vision is and where he’s planning on going. Keeping ourselves positive and thinking about what we can do for others isn’t easy. As entrepreneurs, we’ve got a lot of responsibilities and demands on our time; it’s easy to find ourselves focused on the negative or on ourselves. A message like Jeff’s is important because he reminds us that by stepping out outside of ourselves and making that conscious decision to change our perspective, we not only make ourselves happier, we make ourselves better. Listen to the conversation with Jeff here:



About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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