Making A Difference Is What He's All About - Jack Daly
Jack Daly is an energetic and inspiring speaker, a proven CEO, and a successful entrepreneur. Jack’s been an entrepreneur from a very young age. He started his first business at the age of 12 and at the age of 13 he started talking to the most successful people around him in an attempt to learn how to be as successful as they were.
In his Paper Napkin Wisdom Jack shares the culmination of the lessons he learned as a 13 year old boy working as a caddy at a country club and how those lessons lead him to the success he enjoys today.
Modelling the Masters
Over the course of his time as a caddy Jack interviewed over 200 golf club members; he asked them what advice they had for a thirteen your old boy and what big lessons they learned in life. They advised him to put his goals down in writing, to narrow them down to a few, and to break those goals down into component parts that he could put some kind type of metric next to. They told him he should share his goals with other people to have someone to hold him accountable. The Paper Napkin Jack shares with us contains the four sectors of his life he had made goals for at the age of 13.
Jack made one goal in each of the four sectors and determined that if he could paint a picture of where he was in those four sectors of his life at the age of 30 and actually realize his vision, he would be successful. He took each goal and broke it down into yearly plans, reverse engineering the goal from the end to the beginning.
The process Jack first started at 13 is one he credits with much of his success and it’s a system he still uses today. He points out that the goals needn’t be absolutely set in stone because you’ll need to make adjustments along the way as you go through the learning process, but setting those goals initially sets your end destination. There were critical moments of Jack’s life when he brought out those goals and they changed the direction of his life.
4 Steps to Success
Jack summarizes what he learned as four steps:
1) Put your goals in writing, if they’re not in writing they’re dreams and not goals.
2) Have a written plan on how you’re going to achieve those goals. The key is to identify the activities that are going to get you where you want to go.
3) Have a system of measurement to measure your success.
4) Have a system of accountability
"The Process is the easy part, the hard part is figuring out what you want your life to be." “Put those together and you’ve got an incredible winning formula,” says Jack. It’s a simple process, but an effective one. "The process is the easy part, the hard part is figuring out what you want your life to be." he says. Do you know what your goals are? Try putting your goals into Jack’s formula, it’s an easy first step on the path to success. Listen to my conversation with Jack here: