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Model the Masters...

It is great to learn tools that can help you succeed, but if you want to go far and fast - model the behavior of those who have gone before you. They blazed the trail, we only need to follow.

Been There, Done That  

Leaders, if you ask them, they will show you. You don't need to look too far to find someone who has the success you seek. Seek out those who have achieved what you have in your vision and model their behavior. Seek out role models, Masters, in all the areas that you wish to excel. If you are working in an environment that bridges worlds and is truly groundbreaking, then find someone who has done that in another industry (or industries). They are all out there. Reach out and seek those who have been there and done that. Make Modeling the Masters part of what you do. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin

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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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