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Passionately Aspire to More ...

When I'm feeling stuck, or still it's amazing how much progress I can make for myself when I reach a little higher. Even more so when I am working in service to something much bigger than me.

True Growth is in Our Hands  

Leaders, join in. There have been so many people who have said it. What's your cause? When you align yourself with something bigger than you, the benefit is that you infuse your actions with passion and purpose. I had the opportunity to hear Syed Sultan Ahmed speak about his company and projects to educate parents, teachers, AND students in India and it was impossible for anyone listening to ignore the fire that he lit in all of us. His passion for making a material change in his country (and possibly the world) is evident with every fiber of his being. He can't speak about the work that he is doing without getting legitimately excited. In that state he becomes a leader that can take us all on a journey with him. We all have that choice. No matter what our business, what our path, what our station we can lift where we stand. We can join a movement and contribute our unique abilities (and those of our organizations) in a way that is aligned - REALLY ALIGNED - with something much bigger than us. The passion that follows can ignite a revolution - and you can be a part. Start now, start small, just start. There are so many ways that you can bring this to live and ignite your passions and purpose in everything you do. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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