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Pearls from the Past: Episode 15 Growth is About Subtraction with Greg Crabtree

Greg Crabtree - Paper Napkin Wisdom - Growth is About Subtraction
Greg Crabtree - Paper Napkin Wisdom - Growth is About Subtraction

In Episode 15 of Paper Napkin Wisdom, Greg Crabtree, a renowned author, speaker, and CPA, shares a unique perspective on growth that may surprise you. Known for helping entrepreneurs align their financial goals and achieve sustainable success, Greg goes beyond just numbers, offering insights on taking the often-overlooked path to growth—subtraction. In his words, “Growth is not an ‘addition thing’ but rather a ‘subtraction thing.’” This principle is foundational to his approach and has been a cornerstone for his clients in their entrepreneurial journeys.

Subtract the Clutter

One of the key takeaways from Greg’s Paper Napkin Wisdom is the necessity to declutter. He challenges entrepreneurs to examine what’s holding them back, suggesting that distractions are often the main culprits. “As entrepreneurs, we often suffer from ADOS: Attention deficit—oooh shiny!” says Greg, highlighting the allure of new ideas that frequently pull us off course. To grow, Greg advocates for a strategic focus by letting go of comfort and control, taking risks, and trusting others through delegation.

This focus isn’t about limiting your potential but rather redirecting energy toward meaningful progress. By subtracting the clutter, you make room for real, sustainable growth. For Greg, letting go of control not only allowed him to take risks but also empowered him to build a stronger, more resilient foundation for his business endeavors.

Knowing Your “68” – Finding Your Why

In addition to subtraction, Greg underscores the importance of motivation. He illustrates this with the inspiring story of Jaromir Jagr, the legendary hockey player who led the Czech team to an unexpected Olympic victory in 1998. Jagr wore the number 68 in tribute to his grandfather, who had endured significant hardships. Greg encourages entrepreneurs to find their own “68” – a reason, a “why,” that fuels their journey.

Greg’s emphasis on emotional energy is a critical piece of his message. Knowing what drives you can be the spark that keeps you committed, even when faced with tough choices or uncertain outcomes. So, as you contemplate what to subtract from your life or business, reflect on the reasons behind your actions. Your “68” is the fuel for the sacrifices you make along the way.

Practical Steps to Growth

Greg’s approach to growth is simple but profound. To succeed, he says, we need to understand two things:

  1. Direction: Evaluate what aligns with your ultimate goals and what’s simply noise.

  2. Motivation: Draw strength from the underlying reasons for your aspirations.

Taking these steps allows you to cut through the distractions and gain clarity on what truly matters. It requires the courage to let go of comfort zones and to be guided by your core purpose.

Embrace Risks and Delegate

To grow, Greg emphasizes the importance of taking risks and delegating tasks to your team. Growth requires relinquishing control, something that often feels uncomfortable. By empowering others, you not only free yourself to focus on strategic priorities but also create a culture of leadership within your organization.

Build Your Energy with Purpose

To maintain the momentum needed for growth, you need energy—and that energy comes from purpose. Greg encourages entrepreneurs to build rituals around their motivation, keeping the “why” at the forefront to stay energized and resilient through challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Growth Requires Subtraction: Determine what’s essential to your journey and let go of the rest. Focus on meaningful tasks, avoiding the trap of being busy without progress.

    Take Action: As a leader, list all your current projects and tasks. Identify three activities that are not directly contributing to your business goals. Delegate, automate, or eliminate these tasks. This exercise will help clear the path for more focused growth.

  2. Face Distractions Head-On: Entrepreneurs are often bombarded with ideas. Practice restraint and shelf some ideas for later to concentrate on what truly moves the needle.

    Take Action: Schedule a weekly “distraction audit.” At the end of each week, note the distractions that have come up—be it shiny new ideas or non-essential meetings. Develop a process for dealing with these distractions, like creating a “later” list for ideas you want to revisit once your main objectives are achieved.

  3. Embrace Risks and Delegate: Growth requires relinquishing control. By delegating responsibilities, you create opportunities for others to lead and for your business to grow.

    Take Action: Look at a current responsibility or task you handle that someone else on your team could take on. Invest time to train and empower them to own it. By letting go of control, you open up space to tackle more strategic and impactful projects.

  4. Know Your “68” – Find Your Motivation: Like Jagr, have a reason that drives you. Knowing why you do what you do provides the emotional energy to follow through on tough decisions.

    Take Action: Take 15 minutes to reflect on your core purpose. Write down your “why”—the deeper reason you’re pursuing this journey. Display it where you’ll see it daily to remind yourself of what truly drives you. Share it with your team to align everyone around a shared mission.

  5. Build Your Energy with Purpose: When you know your why, it’s easier to stay energized. That focus on purpose will keep you resilient in the face of challenges.

    Take Action: Create a daily ritual that reaffirms your purpose, whether it’s a brief morning meditation, a journaling session, or reading your “why” statement. These small moments will help you stay energized and motivated, ensuring you have the stamina to push through obstacles as they arise.

As you reflect on Greg’s insights, take a moment to consider what clutter you need to subtract from your life. What would propel your business if you focused on the essentials? And do you have a “68”—that deeper motivation that fuels your growth? Share your thoughts and join the conversation with the hashtag #PaperNapkinWisdom.

Listen to the conversation here:


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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