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Pearls from the Past: Shep Hyken on Success and Strategy - Episode 127

Shep Hyken - Paper Napkin Wisdom
Shep Hyken - Paper Napkin Wisdom

Shep Hyken is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, grassroots entrepreneur, and award-winning speaker. He’s earned the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Speakers Association, a rare accomplishment for someone still traveling the world, captivating audiences with his expertise in customer service. Shep’s focus on efficiency and effectiveness has allowed him to manage a busy career while continuing to deliver incredible value.

In his episode of Paper Napkin Wisdom, Shep shares a simple yet powerful message: "Those that do, do. Those that don’t, won’t." He emphasizes that success often comes down to action, and those who succeed are the ones who don’t let obstacles—real or imagined—get in their way. Let’s dive into some key insights from his episode.

Don’t Hold Yourself Back

Shep’s message challenges us to examine our mindset. The difference between “don’t” and “won’t” is crucial—"won’t" implies that we are the ones stopping ourselves. Shep believes many people hold back because they can’t see the bigger picture or aren’t willing to put in that little bit of extra effort. A bit more work, he says, can make all the difference between ordinary and extraordinary.

"Someone once told me it doesn’t take much more to go first class." – Shep Hyken

Shep applies this philosophy to his business relationships. He puts in the extra effort to deliver exceptional service, but he’s careful not to overextend himself. He understands the importance of saying “no” and delegating tasks so that he can stay in his lane, focusing on what he does best.

Learn From What Works

Shep’s success strategy includes looking back at what has worked and finding ways to repeat it. He encourages us to identify the milestone moments in our businesses—the things that made a positive impact—and repeat those actions. Instead of constantly chasing the next big innovation, sometimes the smartest move is to continue what’s already proven successful.

"Too often, our attention gets siphoned off into activities that take us away from doing what works best." – Shep Hyken

By revisiting strategies that worked in the past, we not only save time but also open ourselves to new opportunities, or as Shep calls them, strategic byproducts.

Watch for Strategic Byproducts

A strategic byproduct is an unexpected opportunity that arises from doing what you’re already doing. Shep illustrates this with an example from his career: after 9/11, his speaking engagements dropped due to the decrease in air travel. However, a client mentioned wanting training materials, which inspired Shep to adapt his content into a training format. This pivot led to a whole new revenue stream—one that has since outpaced his speaking income.

"Along the way, things are going to happen where you’ll say, ‘ooh, that’s a great idea.’" – Shep Hyken

Shep’s ability to recognize and act on these byproducts has helped him grow his business in new directions. His simple approach to success—stay focused, delegate distractions, and always look for opportunities—has brought him great success, and it can do the same for you.

5 Key Takeaways from Shep Hyken’s Paper Napkin Wisdom:

  1. Action Over Excuses: Those who succeed are the ones who take action. Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back—commit to moving forward.

    Take Action: Identify one project or task you’ve been putting off due to fear or uncertainty. Commit to taking one bold step today, whether it’s reaching out to a potential partner, launching a new initiative, or making a key decision. Write down exactly what you’ll do, and hold yourself accountable to follow through.

  2. A Little Extra Effort Goes a Long Way: Going the extra mile doesn’t take much more, but it can make a big difference. Whether it’s for a customer or a colleague, that extra effort can create a lasting impression.

    Take Action: Look at one area of your business where you could add just a bit more value. This could be an extra touchpoint with a client, a follow-up email, or a small bonus for your team’s hard work. Make a habit of applying this “first-class” mentality in your daily operations by asking yourself, "How can I exceed expectations?"

  3. Focus on What Works: Identify the things you’ve done in the past that have brought success, and repeat them. Don’t get distracted by new trends if the old ones are still effective.

    Take Action: Conduct a quick review of your most successful strategies from the past year. Identify the top three that have consistently worked and integrate them into your current plans. Share these strategies with your team and discuss how you can replicate or scale them across your organization.

  4. Delegate to Stay Focused: Don’t spread yourself too thin. Delegate tasks that pull you away from your core strengths so you can focus on what you do best.

    Take Action: Choose one task you’re currently handling that could be delegated to someone else. Delegate it to a capable team member today, and use the time saved to focus on a high-impact area of your business. Make it a weekly practice to delegate tasks that don’t align with your core strengths.

  5. Look for Strategic Byproducts: Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities that arise from your current efforts. These strategic byproducts could open new doors for growth.

    Take Action: Review a recent project or business decision, and identify any new opportunities that arose from it. These could be partnerships, product ideas, or client feedback. Select one strategic byproduct to explore further, and schedule time to evaluate its potential as a new revenue stream or growth opportunity.

Where in your business or personal life could you benefit from Shep’s wisdom? Take a moment to reflect on these lessons, jot down your thoughts on a paper napkin, and share with the hashtag #PaperNapkinWisdom. You never know what opportunities might come from focusing on what already works and pushing yourself just that little bit further.

Listen to the conversation with Shep here:

Get his books here:


About Me


I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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