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Procrastination = Cowardice

I find this enormously challenging to admit, but it's true. I just came to the unavoidable realization that sometimes I've behaved like a huge coward. This is not easy for me to admit. Today when I sat down and set about starting the work that is truly important, the work that would come from my core being. The work that I know will be a game-changer for me, and hopefully the world, I stalled. I found every excuse not to get it done and I wasted no less than an hour. Of course, to anyone (other than my conscience) it would appear that I was accomplishing things. I sent 30-40 emails, I resolved some logistical issues with one of my companies, participated in our Daily Huddle, and was otherwise a very present leader.  In fact - some would say highly productive! All that I REALLY did, however, was to stall what I knew I needed to do.  What I woke up and knew that I MUST complete today. "Those that do, do. Those that don't, won't," exclaimed Shep Hyken on his Paper Napkin Wisdom. Then it occurred to me, I was procrastinating starting on my life's work because I was scared and lacked the courage.  So, what did I do? Well I looked up Procrastination and found this:

intransitive verb :  to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done What came next? Well, obviously, I procrastinated further by looking up cowardice on Wikipedia where I found (emphasis added):
Cowardice is a trait wherein fear and excess self-concern override doing or saying what is right, good and of help to others or oneself in a time of need —it is the opposite of courage. As a label, "cowardice" indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge. How often have I put off doing what was good to help myself because of fear and self-concern? Too often to admit. Unfortunately the shoe fit too well for me and it got me riled up enough to get going. You see for me moving in the direction of my dreams is hard, painful, and stressful. It takes me a tremendous amount of courage just to get started. An incredible thing happens at that point, however. Once I've started it's almost as if help appears from nowhere - I start to get pushed forward and slowly, sometimes very slowly, pick up speed. Next time I find myself putting off what I know I must do for something urgent I'm going to remember that for us Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Difference-Makers Procrastination=Cowardice. I will keep going. I know that I'm no coward ... Book Govindh for your next speaking event here.

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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

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