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Pull the Future In - Rugger Burke (Principal and General Counsel at Satori Capital)

Rugger Burke is a member of the Investment Committee and General Counsel at Satori Capital who pays close attention to not only his own purpose, but that of the companies he considers. In his Paper Napkin Wisdom, Rugger presents us with a Venn diagram showing the interconnection of Talent, Need, and Love. The moment of intersection between these three aspects, says Rugger, is where you find your purpose. “Find your purpose and be it in thought, word, and action” advises Rugger. Ask yourself: What would the best _________do? The blank can be filled in by whatever you want, whatever applies to you, by whatever you feel comes to you naturally. What would the best entrepreneur do? What would the best investment banker do? What would the best podcast host do? Ask yourself that question, he says, and then do whatever the answer is. By asking yourself what the best entrepreneur would do, you’re able to align yourself with your goals and start looking for a path of action to get there. It’s about pulling the future into the present, considering what the best version of you would do and then living that way now. There are three questions Rugger asks companies when considering them for investment and they are questions every entrepreneur and business leader should ask themselves: What are the great gifts, skills, and capabilities that you have? What does the world need? What is it you really love to do? It's the best form of sustainable competitive advantage. Be what you love. In asking these questions you determine your assets, the need you can best fulfill, and your passion. Once you have a firm understanding of those three elements, you can find the point at which they intersect. It is at that point that you are able to articulate a purpose for your company that is both needed in the marketplace and aligned with your skills and passion. That knowledge is valuable, not just in terms of being able to be a better leader, but in a tangible cash value sense. Rugger says that companies with an articulated purpose that model that purpose are valued higher, run better, attract better talent and persevere even in difficult times. There is a value there, he says, that is distributed through the chain of people it touches. Striving to be our best, raises everyone’s game and that’s one of our jobs as leaders - to have everyone at their best. When we do this we create a domino effect; those around us see our efforts and mirror that, creating a ripple effect of positive change in our company. Are you raising the game of those around you? Are you aligned in your core purpose? Listen to my conversation with Rugger here:


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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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