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Put Down The Megaphone - Dennis Welch (President Articulate Communications)

Dennis Welch, President of Articulate Communications,  is a well-respected communicator and author.  He says that he has built his business by being kind and ensuring he connects personally with the human beings he's trying to engage. In fact, he's grown verticals for large corporate clients by ensuring that these connections and conversations are initiated with potential targets. His three-step plan for ensuring communication is successful with customers, employees and suppliers, is simple but essential.  He reminds us that an interest in the other party is even more important in a technology focused era when more and more people have increasing amounts of emails, texts, and other messages to wade through Dennis shares his simple tips so entrepreneurs can ensure they are always having conversations instead of monologues. Listen to Dennis' Paper Napkin Wisdom here:


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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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