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Three Steps To Acceleration

Heard this brought up by Tony Robbins. What we did yesterday brought us to this point, but if we want to change our trajectory, there are three simple steps.

Starts with the plan  

Leaders, failing to plan is planning to fail. There are just three things that we need to change if we want to accelerate our futures. Change your strategy - plan to succeed. Plan to succeed wildly, whatever that means to you. Don't set a low bar for success, why not reach twice as high and plan for that. Start at that end point and work backwards through what you think you need to do to get there. Change your story - stop telling yourself a story about why you haven't done what you wanted earlier. Sure the best time to start may have been months or years ago, but the second best time is now. Stop the self-talk and small-thinking that keeps you hemmed in. Start telling yourself a story where you achieve, succeed, and are grateful. Change your state - from one of yearning, coveting, to one of gratitude. Align with passion and purpose and get fired up. This is a daily, deliberate, intentional thing.  You cannot achieve this by accident, it has to be a daily practice. Set yourself up for success by changing your state to one of success daily. Make it a great day,Govindh@WiseNapkin

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I help people feel empowered so that they feel and act with resilience in the face of challenges.

This can give people the confidence and clarity they need to see their way through something they thought was impossible. 


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